As an independent consulting firm, SSC brings innovative thinking, imaginative designs and astute problem-solving to any point in a spa’s development and evolution.
New Operations: SSC works intimately with ownership and the project’s design team to ensure a fresh approach to design and consistency along with the property’s brand strategies. SSC is deeply experienced in the spectrum of tasks associated with complex, multi-disciplined projects–from concept design through opening and management assistance.
Specialized Projects: SSC is equally skilled and experienced with smaller, singular projects where innovative spa design thinking is critical.
Renovations and Improvements: Where spa facilities exist that need rethinking and refreshing, SSC shines in developing the physical upgrades and/or operational enhancements that reenergize the facility.
The Union of Aesthetics and Economics
SSC practices its belief that a successful spa not only has an innovative concept, compelling design and market-sensitive programs, is must also have bottom line success. We measure the success of our projects not only by how they look, but also by how well they perform financially.